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8/1/2013 3:10:52 PM

Suggestions for Nintendo to fix it's situation?

If you're interested and educationally able, [url=]read.[/url] I think the article is very fair and realistic in its assessment of Nintendo's current situation as well as in the suggestions to fix said situation. I don't hate Nintendo. I owned all of their systems up until the Gamecube. I'd love to see Nintendo rebound, but unless they change some things, even their first party titles won't save the system. Discuss.



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  • Pistol Whip Ubisoft and make Rayman Legends exclusive again, Metroid Prime 4, Re-acquisition of Rare and Banjo Kazooie, Another Great Metroid-vania in HD, Possibly an Exclusive Castlevania game SOtN style, and finally a NEW mario game that isn't the exact same forrmula as the previous games, something with an actual story, like Mario RPG except with more depth into it.



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