Summary: When time travel allows a past wrong to be righted for the Flash and his family, the event’s temporal ripples prove disastrous, creating a fractured, alternate reality where the Justice League never formed, and Superman is nowhere to be found. Amidst a new world being ravaged by a fierce war between Wonder Woman’s Amazons and Aquaman’s Atlanteans, Flash must team with a grittier, more violent Batman (who in this timeline is Thomas Wayne) and government agent Cyborg to restore the continuity of Flash’s original timeline.
I got my Blu-ray copy in the mail last Tuesday and watched it that day. That was one of the fastest 81 minutes I ever had. Great movie with some very interesting twists to the super heroes that we know, and Flash ended up being a very interesting character to have a story based around. Plus I got to see the differences between the DC Animated Universe adaptation to this more modern/grim version of Flash and his enemies. And then there's Batman.