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9/15/2013 8:39:06 PM

Favorite and least favorite users on

Who do you hate? who do you love?
#Offtopic #duck



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • 由Plasma Eagle編輯: 9/15/2013 10:47:12 PM
    I shall try a mega list. Plasma Eagle Blonic Vien MarkFanous BerserkCommando RCRandom numbers BCRandom numbers Teh Puma Roach Goatman Enclave Soldier Raptor(WWII guy) 0_______0 Hurtful Turkey Archninja64 Grandmasterninja Kernel Kraut Infiltrator Solonoid Zizou Silent Zoid Capitons big wang Sigma617 Big Boss Box Dweller Play3rthomas Onion Beetlentr Thebreadsquid deathincarnate stolenfruit Alpha zero Mattyfez EC 437 Macgrooger IcyWind Turrets the mythic wolf A Metroid Ember Nigalf LordRuler scorch blame nathan SecondClass SecondClass Alt 2 Kaozcreator Boomdeyadah Xmark Gr33n A forum cop elegiac randomrosso(I win!) ottchild garland TheBirdMan(kaw) Perception Hargbeast Carefreemeat Invisible(I see you) Acceptance Darkestseptagon theSeudeUzi Catzilla M1Silencer Adamal123 Sev Th3_Av3ng3r SmallBlaze iambored vastlevithian digginurgrave tartan118 risay_116 Bob of the silent variety DontHateTheBeast Epsilotari Mentlegen Spartan 220 Empereor Rudd TribleDuker. Ch33zy Burrito TehBurdishLemon El Burnitar na Hayabusam BLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Foreveraloner and Plasma Eagle. Comment If I forgot you or misspelled your name. Hated: all of the above



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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