While the Geomantic figures describe the Ptolemaic model of the Universe, the order of the [url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/ArraySuccessResult.html]Alpha Lupi[/url] riddles presented in the ARG did not follow this progression (I believe this relates to the concept of greater, more convoluted and labyrinthine shifts afoot, which I refer to [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Where-We-Stand/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59893465&groupId=39607]here[/url]) and instead when the fragments of map were put [url=http://alphalupi.bungie.net/images/results/signal_received_full.jpg]together[/url] the clockwise order of the riddles displayed the proper progression of geomantic figures in respect to the elapsing time of one week:
If you are more interested in finding the Tru7h of Bungie's next game for yourself I suggest you turn from this stoa and refrain from viewing any spoilers you may not wish to see. This thread discusses my theory on the Destiny universe timeline.
[spoiler]Before I go into the poetic riddles of the Alpha Lupi results, it's necessary for me to describe a little more about something I believe should serve as a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age#Age_cusps]prelude[/url] to it. This is the [url=http://althistory.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_1400s_(Easternized_World)]idea[/url] humanity has developed based on astrology which is that of the zodiac defining the boundaries the ages of man. Currently we are moving through Pisces the fish into Aquarius the water bearer. There is debate between astrologists as to when this transference will be complete but the ages shift every 2,150 years. Given that "the story of the birth of Christ is said to be a result of the spring equinox entering into the Pisces, as the 'Savior of the World' appeared as the Fisher of Men" and Bungie's love for religious references it is safe to assume that the most relevant advent of Aquarius is in March 2,150.
The cultural incarnation of this most recently was the New Age movement in the 1960's and 70's which recognized the nearing of the Age of Aquarius and the dawning of a new consciousness or way of being. (see [url=http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBA8DC67D52968201]Carl Sagan's Cosmos[/url] circa 1980)
This assertion implies that the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Aquarius]Age of Aquarius[/url] is coming in roughly 137 years and indeed the transfer has already begun, the end of the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrological_age#The_Age_of_Pisces_.28The_Piscean_Age.29]Age of Pisces[/url] is near, in fact some propose according to the Mayans it ended last year on some date that slips my memory at the moment. This new age is expected by astrologists to bring breakthroughs in humanitarianism, technology, and space travel. The age of Aries which proceeds Pisces is marked by an absorption in warfare.
While these three ages will be a thematic presence in Destiny-- prior Earth history(Aries), the messianic arrival of the Travel(Pisces), and the coming age defined by a cultural, technological, and conscious awakening marked by the rebirth of the Traveler(Aquarius)-- they will also exist as they do in our current timeline. Given this hypothesized connection I would conclude that the liminal awakening of the Traveler will occur approximately 375 years after the end of the 700 year Golden Age or 1075 years after its arrival.
This puts the beginning of the first Destiny game around 3090 if we are to assume the Traveler arrived on present day Earth.[/spoiler]