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10/31/2013 6:47:43 AM

Fan Fiction

Note: I'm talking about normal fan fiction, not erotic fan fiction. So, thoughts on fan fiction? Do you enjoy reading it, or have you written any before? I don't really read it much, but I do enjoy writing it. I started writing a WoW fan fiction centered around two of my own characters, though I never ended up finishing it. Also currently writing a Fate/Stay Night fan fiction. I like writing, but as I'm a shit writer, it is must easier to use an existing universe than it is to create my own, so that is kinda the main reason I like to write fan fiction. Though I do have to say I do not like to center them around existing characters, I always create my own.



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  • The only fan fiction I ever read was Evangelion Retake. It was literally the shittiest thing I ever read. It was written by some deranged Asukafag that has obviously never been laid. She killed off every female character because she was also paranoid about her own -blam!-ing story, and turned a mecha deconstruction psychological show into Lifetime 2.0. "Rei dies because I said so, and Shinji has sex with Asuka immediately after he sees Rei dead and decides to marry her the next morning! And then he invites his dad for some reason and Misato dies before the wedding too because she might interject in the wedding even though I'm the batshit insane bitch writing the story!" The above is literally what went on in the head of whoever the Hell wrote Retake.



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