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11/16/2013 1:08:42 PM

LoK Finale, what did you think?

Episode 11-12,13 and 14 if you missed it. [spoiler]The giant Korra was.....expected, interesting but I also think a bit much. The whole giant thing in the cosmos for the Avatar made sense in The last Airbender but to take a physical form and fighting?[/spoiler] Anyway I really enjoyed the finale, things wrapped up nicely and a few surprises were thrown in which I didn't actually expect. I got a little tired at seeing the white eyes of the Avatar flashing all the time as if we had forgotten they where using the Avatar state in the fighting. I mean Aang was constantly in that state during the fight with the Fire lord. So what did you guys think?



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  • .... It didn't make much sense. It was awesome up to the point where dark avatar turned into a giant, then just randomly went to republic city to beat up everything, kinda for no reason, without any other spirits to help, and without learning any other elements. Then Korra turns into a ghost giant for some reason, and defeats the evil giant with help from Jinora, who randomly became Jesus, also for some explained reason. I did like the part at the end though when she didn't close the portal. Thats one of the few time s. Korra has shown some deep and meaningful action. [spoiler]I hope bumi keeps his flute spirit friend.[/spoiler]



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    I thought the Finale was great! :D I just finished watching it and whilst I could nitpick and moan about little things about the big finale battle I'm much more satisfied/happy with the implications of the ending. I wasn't too fond of the way Avatar was heading with all the building up and technology, those sticky bombs nearly finished it for me and I was relieved they didn't add guns. The spirits being allowed into the human world and vis versa should make things a lot more... Avatary. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the Korra series but I don't like how it was heading closer and closer to the modern day despite that being logical and a sensible story progression. It was nice to see that bastard Zhao still being punished 70 years later for his crimes. And I cheered/screamed with happehness when Iroh turned up alive having Tea in the spirit world :') I'd give this whole series a 10/10 whereas Book 1 only got a 9/10 because of the slow/painful romance heavy start but full redeemed by one of my all time favourite characters Amon.



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  • The finale really did show how sloppy Korra was as an Avatar.



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  • Guess I need to catch up. :/ I was meaning to keep watching it, but I kept forgetting to do so after episode 2.



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  • When did it air? I just watched11-12 last night...



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    • [spoiler]The fanbase totally called the dark avatar thing[/spoiler]



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      • [spoiler]The giant spirit battle was cool but not what I wanted. I wanted the season to end with the Dark avatar temporarily defeated but not dead, then the third season could be about him stealing people to teach him the other elements and culminate in a real avatar battle! Plus, if unalok can turn into a giant evil spirit monster, why can't Korra turn into a giant good spirit monster on the reg?[/spoiler]



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        • 由Winy編輯: 11/16/2013 8:24:22 PM
          It was a pretty good finale, regardless of the fact that I think Korra caused all of it to begin with. Ignoring that, there isn't much to complain about. The fact that she kept the portals open was something I didn't see coming, and I'm glad that she flat-out killed Unalaq instead of either talking him out of it or imprisoning him. If Korra and Mako had gotten back together, I would've flipped my shit. I'm surprised and excited that they did what they did with the love situation; It shows a huge amount of maturity on Korra's part. That's something I desperately needed considering she was acting like a total bitch for the first few episodes. Mako and Asami are a much more natural couple to me, anyway. Whatever the hell Jinora did was never really explained, though. Did she just goddamn chaos blast the area? We never got a description of what she did, I was really confused (And still am). Someone remind me; Is Korra the start of the 2nd Avatar Cycle? Her connections with her past lives are gone, correct?



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          • Comment on first part: The mist in the Spirit World was pretty interesting, especially seeing Zhao there still raving about Aang after all that time. But the second half of it was a little bogus, Unalaq with Vatu suddenly decides that he has a new power that lets him manifest a tendril out of his mouth, face-hugs Korra, then sucks Ravva out. Shouldn't Ravva have told Korra she could do the same thing? Or is Darkness always just going to be whipping around the Light side all of the time because Darkness is never ending and always all powerful? Then Ravva gets pulverized into a stone and the past generations of Avatars get deleted apparently. And before Vatu fused with Unalaq, he was still more capable than Korra in a fight. Afterwards, even more capable and she basically didn't stand a chance, even though he just started using three other elements all right then, though I can only say that I saw Earth and Water possibly, or just a lot of Ice being used that can fill a role of Earth, would have to watch again to look at it closely. Comment on Second Part: Tenzin: "I realize I haven't been the best mentor to you..." Lol you've been fine dude, it's not your fault Korra was an unwilling and emotional brat for most of it, Tenzin doesn't know or can't do everything, that's nothing to fault him for. "Korra's back! And she's a big blue giant!" Babe the Big Blue Ox reference? I don't get why when she has him pinned to a rock near Republic City, that she doesn't slug him a few times first to make sure he'll stay down for a few so she can check for the Light in the Dark. Classic mistake to hit the bad guy once or twice then think "Nah he'll stay down so early so I can do what I need to". Otherwise it's a good ending to the second Book/Season, I can guess that the next season will involve drama with the Spirits coexisting with Humans, and Korra regaining her link to the past Avatars most likely, since there's no way she can be the last one, but where it will go still I don't know.



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            7 回覆
            • I'm just left with so many questions that don't have answers. Is Vaatu coming back in 10,000 years? Will the Avatar Cycle continue even without the past connections? What did Jenora use against Unalaq/Vaatu? How did Zhao get into the Spirit World?



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              • I never found the commercials interesting, so I just never watched it.



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                • What the -blam!-? There was only two episodes on last night on Nick that I saw and they were back to back, now I'm suddenly hearing that they did four in one night apparently, Night of a Thousand Stars and Harmonic Convergence were what I saw... Goddammit now I need to go watch two more I guess...



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                  • 由BACE編輯: 11/16/2013 7:33:10 PM
                    man the ending of LoK was such a -blam!-ing cliffhanger of an ending and I hate that [spoiler]all of the past avatars are gone forever, which really sucks and then they never really explained what the -blam!- happened[/spoiler] but I have mixed feelings about the entire ending four episodes.



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                    6 回覆
                    • I've just seen episodes 11 and 12, but episodes 13 and 14 still aren't out yet? But damn shit went down!



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                      • Shit was so cash. Though I don't get how Jinora helped.



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                        • 由BACE編輯: 11/16/2013 4:46:16 PM
                          I'll be back in an hour or two



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                        • bump



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