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12/1/2013 8:26:15 PM

Neon Genesis Evangelion and the Rebuild movies

What are your guys thoughts on the original Evangelion series (+ EoE)? What about the Rebuild movies? I'm not a 'massive fan' of Evangelion, but I liked the original series. Some episodes were rather dull (that one microscopic angel was retarded) but some of it was good. Definitely a good series, but it's not one of my favourites or anything. The rebuild movies are kinda meh. I absolutely loved 1.0; seeing the first episodes of the original series reanimated with much better fight scenes (Ramiel looked -blam!-ing awesome) was quite cool, and I actually prefer the first rebuild movie to the first episodes of the original. I didn't really like the 2.0. I didn't like what they changed, like Asuka replacing Toji as the fourth child. I felt that scene was done much better in the original series. The fight scenes were still pretty amazing, though; [url=]especially this scene.[/url] 3.0 was meh. It started off sorta cool but I honestly didn't really like it that much. I still have hope that 4.0 will be good. The ending has alot of potential, considering all the hints that the Rebuild movies are actually a sequel to the original series. Along with the pic attached to my post, there is also [url=]this[/url] one. So hopefully 4.0 will redeem the rebuild series somehow. So, what do you guys think of the NGE and the Rebuild movies?



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