What federation of states would be the most fearsome?
African Federation
Latin American Federation
Middle Eastern Federation
(Leaving out previously established unions/federations like the U.S., E.U., and Russia for the purposes of this poll).
[b]African Federation:[/b] While largely underdeveloped now, the African Continent has a lot of potential to be a huge player in the future. Oil, land, gold, diamonds, and economic opportunity will one day reach the continent, and if it works together as one giant entity, it will be incredibly powerful (and that's just economically).
[b]Latin American Federation:[/b] While most games like Call of Duty are fiction, the possibility of a Latin American Federation is a very real possibility that has been discussed before. Like Africa, they also have a lot of potential for the future, although they're a bit more advanced than them.
[b]Middle Eastern Federation:[/b] Strong, powerful, and the center of attention for the world right now, their oil supplies are only expected to last a few more decades. But don't underestimate how powerful it could be even after it no longer relies on oil exports for money.
Currently there are too many sectarian differences for any of those to realistically form, except perhaps for the Latin American federation. Arsenal have a better chance of winning a trophy than a Middle East coalition forming, which is to say, not likely.
Also, I'm not convinced about the Middle East's long term stability if we manage to wean ourselves off our dependence on oil and natural gas - I'm not currently aware of any other major industries that are viable in the long term for any of the gulf states.