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原先發佈於:The Dungeon
1/4/2014 7:56:25 PM

Man, this place has changed.

I haven't been active on this site in quite a while, now, but when I was, it was a fairly nice place. Believe me, it wasn't perfect back in the day, but it was definitely better than it is now. Even the Flood was, somehow, somewhat intelligent in comparison to what I've seen over the past few days. The vast majority of the users in the Destiny forum seem to be underage, and there's more alternate accounts on this site than nymphomaniacs in hentai. So, considering I can't have this site be perfect, I figure I'd at least try to restore it to the relatively nice place it once was. Enter, [url=]The Dungeon[/url]: Currently an empty cave devoid of all life, but soon, hopefully, a thriving cave containing moderate amounts of life. So, what makes this group different from the mains? Nothing, really, except for the criteria. Your account must be created before February 17th, 2013 to join. No new alts, no users from the Destiny wave, just users who were here for the darkness, and grew fond of it.



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