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1/6/2014 8:32:14 PM

Offtopic, In Memory of The Flood, Show Some Support

Alright guys. I made a thread in Community which brings up to light already known issues and discontent with the site ever since the update, and most specifically how Private Groups have been left out to die with absolutely no support from Bungie. Also the fact that how this directly relates to the slow death of's community which has stood together strong for years. Please. If you have any love left for and what it once was, please go into the thread and show your support. A simple like will work but if you decide to actually post and speak your opinion on the matter, even better. I've already solicited the support from three major private groups for this, so the more the better. I'm hoping will notice the racket and stop turning a blind eye on the once strongest aspect of's community tanking, which directly leads to the current state of the mains having gone to shit, filled with trolls, spammers, alts and utter shit posters running nearly unchallenged. I hope to get an actual answer from them this time around and if we all cooperate, I'm sure we can achieve it. One last time, for the memory of's history and the times we spent and laughed and raged and the people we've met. Help us out guys, don't let those private groups that have survived this long fall. It will only make things even worse. Thanks.



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    I was never big on private groups in B.old, but I don't like seeing other people's hard work go to shit needlessly. It would be nice if Bungie did sort things out for the groups but I doubt they will be doing anything like that until we get closer to Destiny's release. Despite the shiteposting/flaming/trolling on the mains, I've actually had a much more enjoyable time on It is lacking a lot of the old Character/silliness of the Flood but honestly? I've had some great discussions on here and made some great friends whereas if things has stayed the way they were I'd probably not be on here as often. The rules being relaxed was nice since it allowed people to talk about topics that previously were carpet-bannable, yeah some people abuse it to just be assholes but that's the beauty of the mute button. You can just shut them out forever if they bother you that much. But yeah, I do hope they help you guys out with the Groups.



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