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由Gaara444編輯: 1/5/2014 2:36:48 AM

"McDonald's is killing us!"

[url=]No, McDonald's isn't killing you, you're killing yourself you fat lardwhale.[/url] >Man eats nothing but McDonalds for 90 days >Loses 40 lbs >Lowers cholesterol >Achieves this by not being retarded about it and sticks to 2,000 calories a day, watches nutrient intake, and walks 45mins a day >"The point of this documentary is that its all about choices, its our choices that make us fat." "B-but Muh fat genes!" "M-Muh transfat bans!" "M-Muh Chemical paste nuggets!"



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  • 由The Great DanTej編輯: 1/5/2014 2:50:52 AM
    [quote]"The point of this documentary is that its all about choices, its our choices that make us fat."[/quote]I should note that one of the reasons why fast food giants are often the target, is because strictly speaking they're a great choice, you get a lot of food for not a lot of money. Couple that with advertising and you have a situation where the only thing people chose to change about their lifestyle is eating more McDonalds. You can say "oh no it's just your choice",[i] but are you also going to defend the tobacco industry with the exact same argument?[/i] No, fast food giants are selling products that are known to harm the health of their customers, that needs to be changed. [spoiler]This is what happens when you let capitalism do whatever the -blam!- it likes, free market you say? more like early graves[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also I should note that "it's your choice that is killing you" is the exact argument used by food giants and even tobbacco giants to dismiss any and all criticism, THAT is what victim blaming is.[/spoiler] While I'm at it, "the men who made us fat" is a great documentary, watch it [i]Gaara[/i]



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