i am just now realizing that it is only canada that has bagged milk.
i thought this was common for everyone
discuss milk and milk packaging
1 回覆
由A Forum Cop編輯: 1/10/2014 5:46:43 PM
They used to sell it at this Mennonite-run Mercantile we bought our baked goods and meats from, kind of weird, but not entirely impractical. It allows you to reuse the same jug without having to wash it every time, which is a time-saver. It also is impossible to seal up, which sucks. They also sold bags of water which were super fun and easily made into ice-paks.
4 回覆
How does that even work? Are there cartons or something in the bag or just liquid milk in the bag?
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由DEZARATH編輯: 1/10/2014 5:03:24 PM
14 回覆
>Be me >Canadian living on the west coast >Never seen bagged milk in entire life >Is just as confused as non-Canadians when it comes to bagged milk