I decided to drink to night, but every time i drink i seem to get depressed everyone once in awhile i get hyper and happy, but im down tonight. So what's up? What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Irritatingly enough, when I start to get buzzed my mind goes into this state where it tries to prove to itself that it's not drunk yet and it stays there no matter how much I drink. I spend the time I am buzzed trying to relax and enjoy the sensation only to constantly be battling the feeling that I am not actually intoxicated yet. I'm a real buzz kill to myself.
In reasonable doses, I don't feel much. Once I start getting buzzed or borderline drunk I just get really relaxed. I drank enough to get that way last Sunday at a party, slept better that night than I had in quite a while. Felt better when I woke up on the next morning than usual as well.
I don't like Alcohol, so I don't drink. No, I am not underaged. Yes, I have tried just about everything. No, I don't like any of it or the way I react to it.