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由aTALLmidget編輯: 3/2/2014 10:10:46 PM

Not everyone should get healthcare.

The cold hard reality is not everyone deserves healthcare nor should they receive it. If you can't pay for your health and work to pay for it then too bad, Darwin at work making sure those strong enough to get the money make it. Humans aren't equal and therefore won't have equal circumstances, so we should stop thinking that they deserve equal opportunities for health. You don't deserve the healthcare if you can't pay for it, simple as that. Edit- Someone said it's a human right. No, it isn't. But that's life.



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  • Relevant. Take a few minutes to watch this.



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  • 由Y SO REACH BETA編輯: 3/2/2014 11:30:59 PM
    Have you considered the economic consequences of letting people get sick and die? Vaccines for example, are largely paid for by governments throughout the world and through healthcare funding. I can't even imagine the pandemics that would have happened without vaccines. Cancer? Dead. Lost a worker, family loses their home and succumbs to socioeconomic circumstances and fails to get a secondary education. That's just one scenario which results in lost revenue. The world would be a much worse place if we let people die of disease. It's simply more efficient to treat people, rather than have someone who was healthy up until they were able to work, die of a disease. You're incredibly naive, OP. You haven't considered anything other than the fact healthcare costs money, well, so does dying and being crippled. You not only sound like a sociopath but you sound like a retard.



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    • 由Nul Arc編輯: 3/7/2014 8:52:44 PM
      Edit: After reading the thread it's blatantly clear that everyone has already told you off, so there's no need for me to say anything.



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    • bayt?



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    • Oh look, I've found my way back here. Out of interest, since when was the idea of natural selection prescriptive?



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      • 0
        Being born into a low-income family and living the rest of your life on minimum wage as a result isn't a true representation of natural selection.



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        • ­



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          • [quote] If you can't pay for your health and work to pay for it then too bad, Darwin at work making sure those strong enough to get the money make it. [/quote] Full retard.



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          • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights [b]Article 25[/b] [quote](1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.[/quote]



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            2 回覆
            • This is what conservatives actually believe



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              8 回覆
              • I'll just sit here in England getting free healthcare.



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              • 由Fruit編輯: 3/3/2014 7:56:24 AM
                its ok us new zealanders will enjoy our free healthcare you silly americans



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                4 回覆
                • It's a human right. Everyone that's human needs it and deserves it. I can think of a few people that would be better off dead, but for the most part. Everyone should get it.



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                  2 回覆
                  • 由Flee編輯: 3/2/2014 10:26:14 PM
                    [quote]Edit- Someone said it's a human right. No, it isn't.[/quote][url=]Hue.[/url] [url=]Hue.[/url] [url=]Hue.[/url] [url=]Hue.[/url] [url=]Hue.[/url] [spoiler]You're wrong.[/spoiler]



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                    27 回覆
                    • Brb going to see my doctor for free #Canada



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                    • 由DeChief編輯: 3/2/2014 11:12:25 PM
                      Came in here preparing for a shitstorm against OP. Was not disappointed.



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                    • Nice b8 m8, I'd give it and 8/8.



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                    • Nice bait.



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                    • Edge/10



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                    • OP



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                      • 由Sandtrap編輯: 3/3/2014 10:35:57 AM
                        So, in essence, if somebody came to your house, shot you up a bit, then stole all your money, or ways of getting money, and left you there to bleed out, and you somehow managed to call for help, the ambulance folks get there, patch you up partially then realize that you'll need to stay at the hospital, then realize that you're now broke, and leave you there like that because you were supposedly "too weak." Yeah. Okay. How about people born into poverty? You don't punish someone over things that they have no control over. And there are a lot of kids who are born with literally nothing. How are you supposed to reach up from an existence where you have no power, no say, or anything? You're just left to whatever the whims of the winds are from day one. Or how about people shafted by the system? In one week nowadays you can go from owning a house and a job and all that comes with it to being broke as shit on the street. You get laid off and can't find any work? Well there goes your payments on your house, your car, and who knows what else, and the bank comes in like a kid in a candy store and goes, "I'll take this, and I'll take that, and that one over there too." Your attitude is the reason why our society exists in the manner it does today. Let the people who can climb to the top climb, but not only that, give them all the bonuses, give them the most you can give them while ignoring all the people they stepped on to climb that far in the process. You know what, I think I'll adopt your outlook on things. The next time I get a paycheck on my job, I'm going to get all the money back that they took out for taxes. I mean, I worked for the money, why should I have to give it away to the government? Why should I pay people for doing nothing, or better yet, pay them so that they can get things together and build a new school in my area, or fix the roads? After all, they're not strong physically in any sense, they couldn't work a job like I do, so why the hell should I pay them for anything? This mindset of "Me, Myself, and I" needs to leave. Progress is not made that way. Stepping forwards and evolving, growing into something more is not made that way. Every invention ever made or discovered by Humans was shared for the betterment of people as a whole, not just for one person. Imagine if the people behind cellphones and computers never shared the technology. You'd be in the same boat with everybody who didn't have such things over a small group of elite people who did, and you'd be powerless about it. No, people in general are not equal. And life, sometimes isn't fair. But it is not our job to simply take this and lie down with it. We fix things, invent things, and create things to help other people as a whole. However, there is one, fundamental thing that every person shares. We are alive, and we are alive for only a brief moment in time. We as people do not see the value of life today, nor did we ever. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't help someone when we have the power to do so but choose to turn away because of a simple, meaningless, and truly disgusting invention made by humans that has plagued us since we created it. Money.



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                        5 回覆
                        • I'm sure you'd be whistling a [i]very[/i] different tune if you had been born into destitution and poverty.



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                          6 回覆
                          • I agree. I shouldn't have to pay for your shit because you have made bad choices in life.



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                          • While I believe people who have disabilities or cant take care of themselves should get some sort of healthcare, i dont believe in a government run healthcare system is the right answer. I dont believe that people should be forced to buy something, especially by the government.



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                          • It's not a human right, in fact nothing is a right. You reap what you sew.



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                          • 由Bladephoenix編輯: 3/3/2014 6:20:13 PM
                            I dont believe it to be a human right to be honest. Anything we need a government to inform and provide us is a right, does not constitute a [i]human[/i] right, but a right of somebody living under that government.



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