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由Dro sw編輯: 4/2/2014 7:17:28 PM

The Immortals Will Be Accepting New Members For The Much Awaited Beta Of Our Destiny

We Will Be Running Multi Fire-teams In The Up In Coming Beta We Still Need To Expand We Are Accepting All Roles At The Moment But Once The Roster Starts To Fill Out We Will Then Restrict Are Acceptance To Roles Needed So If You Think You Have What It Takes To Be Immortal Then Leave A Line Below With Gamertag An Role Applying For And Once The Roster Starts To Fill And We Get Closer To Our Destiny I Will Have A Team Site Later In The Week With A Roster With Multi Fire-teams.. We Are Currently Only On The 360 But Are Looking To Expand Over Multi Consoles So If You Are One Another Console "other then 360" An Think You Can Run An Army Of Legends Then Drop Me A Line An We Will See If We Have The Same Goals In Mind For Future Console Domination When It Comes To Destiny. ImmortalDro



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