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4/4/2014 11:28:00 PM

What is and what should never be

[note: once upon a time this sort of thread went in the Community forum, so rightly or wrongly it can go there now.] So, by now I think it's safe to say that the site changes have done a fair amount to deter the older members from visiting the site in ways that never happened before. Now, this isn't to say that all of the changes are bad, but the redditification of has certainly sucked. The fundamental problems with the site UI are still ever present - we live in a world where the lowest resolution is 1366x768 on cheap laptops and the average smart phone has at least that resolution or better. Despite that, the site is a hell of a lot narrower than that and has serious problems with vertical bulk still, especially when you're at the top of a page with the "Forums" bar automatically appearing. Menus that appear when you mouse over something - why? Seriously, why? It's still just as stupid as it ever was, makes for a cluttered experience and is just bloody irritating. I [i]like[/i] the design language of the new site, but losing that, that eternally bothersome "share" bit and making the messages deal with zooming a bit better would be nice. Widescreen is the norm, so design for it better. There's nothing wrong with making use of the space to the sides. If you come back with an answer like "oh, but windowed viewing" you can just sod off. On a 768p laptop screen windowed viewing is an exercise in frustration. Hell, even on a 1080p monitor I still full screen my browser window. The filter system with "latest", "trending", etc. still doesn't seem to remember your preferences very well. I grumble about it with Facebook, why can't I set it to default to "latest"? For that matter, why can't I have an option to read a thread in a paged fashion with chronological posts? Endless scrolling (looking at you, tumblr) is just irritating as all hell if you want to find something again. Knowing "oh, it's on page x" is great. Maybe on a tablet endless scrolling is pleasant, but on a laptop or PC it's just a bother. I get the idea that filtering allows you to in theory reach the content you want to browse quicker, but in reality it just means that if you're used to using an actual forum that you miss new posts unless you go out of your way to click "latest" and then you're reading a thread out of order and the posts are ever shiftiing around. I appreciate that catering for your vision along with catering for those who wish for it to be the same divides resources. I'm just saying that your vision hasn't seen any sign of improvement in the last year and hasn't really responded to criticism. There are aspects I still love - the inbox for messaging is a godsend, though I truly hate the interface for messages now. Notifications are wonderful, but I wish they were further reaching - similar to Facebook, why can't I have favourite members and be updated when they post a new thread or have, say, posted over 5 posts in the same thread? Tags still suck. Keep them, don't keep them, whatever. I've become deathly inactive over the past year, I'll be the first to admit it. And, well, why wouldn't I? Most of my favourite posters stopped posting and the absolute chore that is hovering the mouse over, signing in, waiting for a pop up box, and doing it again in an hour is a big problem. Once upon a time I idled on most of the day. Given the divorce between Bungie and MS, why not buck the trend of multi-connectivity and allow us to migrate to a account? If it would allow for greater convenience, [i]great[/i]. This isn't well structured, this wasn't even planned, but I've been here over 9 years and not visiting just pisses me off.



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