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由Banned Ninja編輯: 4/16/2014 4:53:55 PM

First Joe, Now Marty, who's next?! Bungie we need an explanation.

I won't be surprised if more and more people will be fired at this rate. The founder of the company also left without a word of explanation, maybe it was the same reason Marty was fired. Something is happening with this Destiny project, and maybe it isn't good. You don't fire the guy who recieved award for his music. He created the number one OST for a videogame. It's like the Jamaican Olympic team kicking off Usain Bolt off their team! I don't care what kind of PR storm Bungie might have to deal with if they disclose the reason why Marty was letgo because if they don't, this community will obviously fall apart. Whatever you're doing Bungie please stop and make a U-turn before going over the edge. The reason why you're games were not the best wasn't the funding, but the brains behind the masterpiece. [b]You guys wanted independence from MS so badly and now that your leaders brought that to the company you fire them off?! It's like executing the founding fathers of USA right after the revolutionary war was won![/b] If Destiny is a flop, I will not feel bad for this scummy company. I will not feel bad for the company, and if does flop I hope the company tanks because of it. [i][u][b]If you want to fire Marty, don't use his work.[/b][/u][/i] [quote]Change your avatar to support Marty. Change your name to support Marty. Sign this Marty petition. Add #Marty2014 and #MartyMovement to your hashtags. And most important, COPY PASTA THE SHIT OUT OF THIS TOPIC[/quote]



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  • You'd think that after as much time as Marty has put in with Bungie he'd have a little credit built up to get passed any sort of disagreement with Pete Parsons or whoever the other Board Members are. Harold Ryan



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    • The founding fathers example made me laugh. This whole thing just seems too familiar to when Activation took over Infinityward. After the game was done they started firing all the people important to the creation of the game and put in their own guys. I don't want that for Bungie.



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    • I just can't understand how they could fire Marty after he contributed so damn much. His music is what made Halo the legendary game that it is today. The man worked for Bungie for well over a decade, it's just not ethical to fire him without explanation. Bungie isn't the same company they were back in the day. I've been a fan of Bungie since I first played Halo CE when I was in first grade. I made it through the darkness, I made it through's year of terrible updates, but I don't know if I can support Bungie after this. We never, ever, get explanations as to why employees leave or are terminated, but I think an explanation is really due for this one. Martin O'Donnell deserves better than this, Bungie. And so does your "community."



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    • Bungie to me is just a dead label without Marty. Jason was one thing BUT MARTY TOO?! [spoiler]Change your avatar to support Marty. Change your name to support Marty. Sign this Marty petition. Add #Marty2014 and #MartyMovement to your hashtags. And most important, COPY PASTA THE SHIT OUT OF THIS TOPIC[/spoiler]



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      • If you mean Jason Jones, he is still at Bungie. Joe Staten left, which is non-awesome, but Jason is still there. The only founder that left is Seropian.



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