Ant season is slowly starting again in my rainy little country and I found one of these little bastards in my garden. I'm pretty sure he was a scout from one of the closer colonies.
Anyways, this is where the real deal begins. I killed the motherfu[b]c[/b]ker and I would like to know what the consequences will be for me.
Will they send in another scout when they realise this one didn't return, will they be too afraid to come over here again or am I on the brink of an all out war here? I'm worried! Please advice!
What should I expect and what should I do? I know all floodians are awesome strategists, so I expect you know what I should do!
Edit: It seems to me that it is noteworthy that I've seen "Starship Troopers" yesterday night after a long time. I just don't trust bugs anymore.
[b]Popular solutions: [/b]
1. Pouring liquid aluminum: Rottayok
2. Burning the mother-blam!-ers: Biosmiley
3. Nuking them, [i]nuking them all[/i]: Ch33zyburitto and Noble 6
4. 3 AC130's: Beta Neckbeard
5. Stalking them with ghillies: Challenger X
6. "Gentlemen always use a knife": Hylebos
7. "Try": Sprüngli
8. Purchase an intimidating anteater: Wolva Wonka
9. Poison OP instead: Novice
10. Magnifying glass: BannedLuis
[i]I feel like I'm getting close to a solution that'll end this wretched species once and for all. [/i]
由Cpt Starflare編輯: 5/22/2014 7:25:14 AM
Noble 6 had the right idea but there is something missing. We need to be more tactical perhaps if we... [spoiler]nuke it from orbit?[/spoiler]
Poor aluminum into the nest, then dig it up. Now if you don't want to do that, get poison and spray it around your property. Then find the colony, and pour gas on it. Then light it on fire.
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Make a trap. Get something sweet like yogurt or whatever and mix that up with borax. Put that in a container they can get into and viola! You are killing ants! (Borax is bad for don't eat it.)
As a certified Entomologist I can tell you that the behaviour of the Formicidae culus is aggressively expansive, they will not stop because a scout has not returned. They will instead send more ants out to find the cause of this ant's disappearance, be it predators, dangerous landscape, or more importantly, a rivaling ant colony. Colonies nearby compete for resources, and so if they suspect the ant has been killed off they may send a fleet of soldier ants out to the place where it had been sent and if they find a nest they attack it, and if they don't they report back with a message that the area is safe and ready for expansion. The best thing you can do is go to your local lawncare store or closest thing to it which sells anti-insect, specifically ant, pesticides which you can lay down around your lawn. These usually work by simulating food which the ants will then bring back for their queen and colony, and poison them. As well get some to treat any colonies you find in your yard.
Follow the scouts (lie in the bushes with a ghillie suit) and find their colony. Then pour gasoline into it until it starts to fill up and come back out. Light on fire and laugh maniacally.
由Dick Richardson編輯: 5/21/2014 6:30:33 PMFollow one to its nest with a liter of water. And when you find his colony, pour the entire thing down the hole or whatever the entrance is. It'd destroy or completely devastate the colony and I can assure you that they will no longer be a problem.
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