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由Cpt Starflare編輯: 5/22/2014 3:59:33 AM

HELP ME! Help of strategists required!

Ant season is slowly starting again in my rainy little country and I found one of these little bastards in my garden. I'm pretty sure he was a scout from one of the closer colonies. Anyways, this is where the real deal begins. I killed the motherfu[b]c[/b]ker and I would like to know what the consequences will be for me. Will they send in another scout when they realise this one didn't return, will they be too afraid to come over here again or am I on the brink of an all out war here? I'm worried! Please advice! What should I expect and what should I do? I know all floodians are awesome strategists, so I expect you know what I should do! Edit: It seems to me that it is noteworthy that I've seen "Starship Troopers" yesterday night after a long time. I just don't trust bugs anymore. [b]Popular solutions: [/b] 1. Pouring liquid aluminum: Rottayok 2. Burning the mother-blam!-ers: Biosmiley 3. Nuking them, [i]nuking them all[/i]: Ch33zyburitto and Noble 6 4. 3 AC130's: Beta Neckbeard 5. Stalking them with ghillies: Challenger X 6. "Gentlemen always use a knife": Hylebos 7. "Try": Sprüngli 8. Purchase an intimidating anteater: Wolva Wonka 9. Poison OP instead: Novice 10. Magnifying glass: BannedLuis [i]I feel like I'm getting close to a solution that'll end this wretched species once and for all. [/i] [b]It's all in place now! ITS ALL IN PLACE MUAHAHAHA. JUST WAIT FOR IT YOU ANT BASTARDS!!![/b]



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