If you don't know what it is, WORLD END ECONOMiCA is a VN written by the author of Spice and Wolf. The first "episode" was released on steam a while back. I made a thread about my impressions of it [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_World-End-Economica-Visual-Novel/en/Forum/Post?id=65160198#referred-Anime]here.[/url]
They've recently put out a kickstarter to have a full release of all 3 episodes, which is [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/world-end-economica-complete]right here.[/url] Thought I should just let everyone know. I absolutely loved the first episode, so I think it's worth checking out.
I personally pledged enough to get the $60 and over tier, so I can get the physical version. Originally had the $100 and over tier until I found out that the signatures are digitally printed.