On the Beta pre-order page, last-gen is available for the beta at our retailers (Mighty Ape and EB Games) but current gen isn't??? (the same retailers come up, but with no beta tag when selecting X1 or PS4).
I've already pre-ordered from Mighty Ape as they are usually awesome, but this is a deal breaker - can anyone from Bungie shed light on this, or will the Beta tags be added soon to those retailers, as they are obviously registered to distribute Beta codes, at least for last-gen consoles (which is mental...).
On the flip side, I see Poland has ONLY current gen available for the Beta, is this a strange and cruel experiment on our two countries, where we are getting the worst end of the deal?
This is all so confusing.
Holla Bungie, you're our only hope! (for the Beta).
Bungie said awhile back. I'll try and find it . But they said only select retailers will have the beta valcher.