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由Saxoclone編輯: 7/1/2014 8:24:17 PM

"Where have I heard them before?"- The voices of Destiny.

During the Alpha, I recognized multiple actors and actresses doing voice-over work. I’ve compiled the ones that I recognized (or am at least pretty sure about) so you can see where you might have heard these voices before. [url=]Ghost[/url]: [url=]Peter Dinklage[/url] ([url=]Tyrion Lannister[/url], [i]Game of Thrones[/i]) [url=]Commander Zavala[/url] - Titan Vanguard: [url=]Lance Reddick[/url] ([url=]Phillip Broyles[/url], [i]Fringe[/i]) [url=]Cayde-6[/url] - Hunter Vanguard: [url=]Nathan Fillion[/url] ([url=]Captain Mal Reynolds[/url], [i]Firefly[/i]; [url=]Richard Castle[/url], [i]Castle[/i]) [url=]Ikora Rey[/url] - Warlock Vanguard: [url=]Gina Torres[/url] ([url=]Zoe Washburne[/url], [i]Firefly[/i]; [url=]Jessica Pearson[/url], [i]Suits[/i]) [url=]Lakshmi-2[/url] - Future War Cult Representative: [url=]Shohreh Aghdashloo[/url] ([url=]Admiral Shala’Raan vas Tonbay[/url], [i]Mass Effect 3[/i]) Thank you to Destinypedia for confirming- or at least backing up- some of my assumptions. Who are some other actors or actresses you would be interested in hearing in Destiny? Personally, I'm hoping for Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk just so we can subtitle Destiny "The Firefly Reunion".



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