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由Khirna編輯: 7/8/2014 5:56:45 AM

PS Exclusivity is a Smack in the Face

Thanks for ignoring the most loyal fanbase you have ever had Bungie. I now see you are more greedy than loving of your community. Why else sell yourselves to Activision? Thanks for being the biggest let down of the decade thus far. Sincerely, Loyal Halo Fan and avid XBOX gamer Edit: Now that the Desticles have disliked this topic to the point of a blank shield, I feel my mission is accomplished. Thank you for taking the time to read this and form an opinion on what I've said. Looks like I am getting through to people after all.



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  • And you get the master chief collection so it's a fair trade #quityourcrying



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  • Will you turn the other cheek so that I can slap the shit out of you now ? Thanks in advance.



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  • You my friend are a vagina.



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    • They sold themselves to Activision because Microsoft wouldn't let them make games like Destiny. They were only allowed to make Halo which was their bread and butter. If anything you should be mad at Microsoft for being greedy, destroying that relationship and what could have been, like Destiny being an Xbox exclusive.



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    • I'm a Loyal Bungie fan, maybe that's why I don't share you view?



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    • Hey man, just want to say I understand your frustration. I wouldn't say I agree with you on how far your opinion goes, but I understand. I have been a playstation guy for a long time and have always had a fond love for Ratchet and Clank. So when I get my PS4 and find out that Insomniac, makers of one of my favorite game franchises is developing a new game called Sunset Overdrive, I am stoked. At least that is till I find out it's an Xbox exclusive. Am I bummed? Super. Do I hate them? No. I am glad they are able to do what they want as devs and expand beyond just doing games for sony. I am really sorry that activision is favoring the ps4 for destiny. I understand you're frustrated because you have given your love and money and time for a developer and it sucks you're not getting the exclusives for a year or as many beta days, but be happy that the developers you love are able to create something they can stand behind and be proud. We are all gamers together, playing games we love, let's try to focus on that yeah?



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    • 由Nitron F117編輯: 7/8/2014 6:53:15 AM
      [quote]Thanks for ignoring the most loyal fanbase you have ever had Bungie.[/quote]Loyalty is meaningless when there's no other option. The xbox community wasn't Bungie's most loyal fan-base, we were their only fan-base. Being the "best" with no competition is hardly a ringing endorsement. [quote]I now see you are more greedy than loving of your community. [/quote]I think you're projecting here. [quote]Why else sell yourselves to Activision?[/quote]Bungie is an independent studio. This is not like when they were a Mac developer, and were acquired by Microsoft. [quote]Thanks for being the biggest let down of the decade thus far.[/quote]You, and those like you, are the biggest let downs of the xbox community. I'm ashamed to be associated with the same gaming community as the likes of you. Sincerely, Loyal Bungie Fan and avid XBOX gamer



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      • You still have Halo exclusive, CoD timed exclusive, and others, so please be quiet?



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        • They didn't sell themselves to Activision. They like working with Sony. Hell, they even helped design the controller for the PS4. I guess that is just one more Bungie-PS4 exclusive they get. How unfair!



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        • And thats why bungie left you guys, cause people like you whine and cry over some timed exclusives and o we get 4 days on the beta?!?! HOW ABOUT YOU GET NONE!? Honestly be thankful you little disappoint to bungie, dont you ever call yourself a loyal bungie fan cause your obviously not, Smfh, SMGDH.....



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          9 回覆
          • I hope Bungie retaliates to the xbox crying by making Destiny 2+ PS4 exclusive.



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            • You're still gonna buy it so shut the fuk up



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              • Real Bungie fans bought a PS4. It's a better system and we knew months ahead of time it would have exclusive content. Corporate Xbox shills and people who can't let go of a dying franchise stuck with Xbox One and now feel stupid.



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                • Halo fan is an applicable way to go, but xbox gamer? Nuuuu they aren't staying xbox exclusive they went multiplat and as I recollect a lot of that old halo fanbase that was on xbox switched to ps4. The fanbase is not purely xbox gamers it basically split 50/50 if it is such a horrible dastardly deed. Then go and trade in the xbone and all the games then put whatever you need for a ps4 and blammo you have become unslapped or slowly pay off a the white ps4 bundle. You are blaming bungie for something they don't really have full control over. Activision threw half a mil into this project and they saw an opportunity to milk sony for some serious cash.



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                • For me this seems you are more of an Xbox fan than a Bungie fan. If you want all the content now the PS4 is the way to go. We have known that Destiny was being geared towards Sony from the start. But everyone will have the content eventually. Xbox kind of get the better deal cause after a year some people might want some new content and by then the exclusives will be up for grabs. However, you aren't missing out on much at all. With how much content there is going to be the exclusives aren't a whole lot. Like in Watch_Dogs. The game has a ton of hours of play and that 30 minutes to an hour of extra content didn't mean a lot over all. I understand the hurt over the beta cause people are so excited they want this game now. However, betas are normally very short and just to test and get things figured out. I went with PS4 because I trust Bungie and follow them. They were really hurt by Microsoft and it was very public. This also isn't all Bungie but Activision as well and they have bungie the holy grail of contracts. I support and love bungie. There has been no wrong doing and they are doing amazing. Regardless of the exclusives. Even if they took them out for everyone and just deleted them the game would be perfect. The rest is just a tiny bit of extra frosting.



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                • #DestinyForXbox #WeAreXbox #NotInvisible



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                • It's all timed exclusives and you should know they will extend the beta



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                • Hier kommt der weinerlich Hündinnen, bringe hervor ninja Gerechtigkeit!!!!!!!!



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                • Can we all just mute this or dislike it or something? This is dumb and he is more loyal to MS that drive Bungie away. If you truly are loyal to Bungie and want the full experience of there game then do everyone a favor and buy a ps4 and stop whining. [spoiler]nobody is stopping you from purchasing one[/spoiler]



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                  4 回覆
                  • Everybody gets all the same stuff, so how did Bungie betray us? If you were a true Bungie fan, you would trust the choices they've made and have faith in them.



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                    • Just what guys like u deserve... a smack in the face!! Quit ya whinin lil one... just be happy that it's only a smack and not grandpas old belt... U guys clearly need more serious problems in your life!



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                      • Look at this sorry excuse for a human being. Please cry more of your vaginal puss tears you gigantic floppy blue waffle.



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                        • 1. You're not being ignored. You get the game too. You just get the beta later because of a business deal. 2. Just because you paid money in exchange for a game, doesn't mean that the company that made that game owes you something. 3. If you want the timed exclusives, get a playstation console.



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                          6 回覆
                          • Nothing was exclusive except the Alpha and four days of Beta. Time to do a little bit of research. And stop blindly raging about something that you don't know anything about.



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                            6 回覆
                            • Poor little self entitled Xbot. If you can't handle this I hate to see what happens when you grow up and face real world problems.



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                              • 由MandalorianDom編輯: 7/7/2014 7:05:18 PM
                                Hush fool. Talk to MS for not letting Bungie have their freedom to make this game ,if Bungie never left MS there would be no Destiny, also thank Bungie for creating the Xbox to what is now,without them there would be no Xbox ungrateful kids



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