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由Recon Number 54編輯: 7/10/2014 3:44:19 PM

To all of you GAMERS

Destiny is arguably going to be one of the biggest games of all time and it obviously has a large support base. I for one am incredibly excited. But one thing everyone has to understand is we are not Playstation users or Xbox users. We are all "gamers". We are all one collective group of people. Now people that own playstations, it is our job to support our fellow gamers on the Xbox that are unfortunately being shorted on the game. It is unfortunate but it is just business between Sony and Activision. Stop trolling. It is Xbox users' job to remain calm and be happy we all get to share in this amazing game, but it is understandable if you guys are upset. Both consoles are undeniably amazing systems that will give all of lasting memories, including with Destiny! Stop the fighting, be more understanding, and get the fact that we will all, always be gamers at the core. See you starside



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