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7/21/2014 5:38:20 AM

The Longest Road

So I was interested in Destiny when first I caught wind of it, but only recently discovered and became a member. With the beta fresh in my mind I would spend smoke breaks digging around the Internet for interesting Destiny bits to tie me over un til I got back inside. I started digging through the weekly updates from 2013. And man, are there some great reads in there. Particularly, one that mentions the engineers and designers and their experiences as they hold the in house weekly tournaments and explorations. There was a screen cap of a warlock killing a fallen with a knife, and mention of one of the designers spending his time holding off a group of aliens with an ancient blade he had found in the grottos. Now that we are playing and able to put places with names, all these updates and seemingly meaningless statements suddenly have new meaning. I highly suggest checking it out, Guardians. .....kinda makes you wonder where we are going, where we have been and what awaits just over the horizon. -The Vigilant Dawn



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