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由Gunner Night編輯: 7/23/2014 7:13:16 PM

Crucible Spawn Points

While I enjoy capture not being a true domination mode in which holding points racks up the score count, the map balance and spawn points lends itself to a 2 point strategy regardless. This is mainly because the spawn system works in a manner that will force spawns opposite the captured points. On every map so far there are 2 capture points that are much closer to each other then the 3rd so the strategy ends up being hold those 2 points and force the team to spawn at the distant spawn. Now part of what makes this okay is holding points doesn't rack up points KILLS DO. BUT with such a low number of approaches to the objectives from the distant objective to the other 2, map control becomes way too easy. It would help if spawning was a bit more dynamic and wasn't so easily forceable to a certain segment of the map when a team controls 2 objectives. Im not sure how Bungie could address this but it would certainly help, or make more angles of approach and add in more tunnels or vertical avenues of approach. Examples: Moon: Hold B and C and spawns are forced at A side turret: Basically you are stuck in an open area and corned. Venus: Hold A and C and spawns are forced at B. this map however has many angles of approach from B, However if you hold B and C then Spawns are forced inside and around A, again next to no angles of approach that don't require crossing wide open terrain Mars: Hold B and C and spawns are forced at A with a narrow area of space to move around and flank to either objective Earth: Hold A and B and again very limited angles of approach from C.



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