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由Leonidas編輯: 7/28/2014 1:21:15 AM

"Should Our Gear And Weapons Be Carried Over?"

Yes, I feel that my loot I have aquired over this long journey is of worth to me on the future!


No! Why would you want to keep your level 8 gear when you will so easily replace it in the near future!


Potato Salad


Should our progress transfer, or most importantly our gear and weapons? This question seems to be the most prodominant of any other question bungie has tackled since. I for one am all aboard the bandwagon and feel that keeping our stuff is a great idea but that's only because my vaults are full of rare items that I have amassed over the journey. I'm curious to know what you guys think, I can see and understand both sides of the story! EDIT: POLL 1: future! EDIT: POLL 2: when you will so easily replace it in the future!



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  • Even if they do carry over, ive actually decided that i will start afresh anyways. Dont really want to start the game NOT from beginning. Its why i never hardcore invested too much time grinding my character in the beta, because either way its not gonna get me anywhere/anything come final release of the game



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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