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由SimplyMerry編輯: 8/2/2014 7:37:15 PM

Summing up raids and my opinion



no matchmaking


undecided, I'll wait for the game


My eyeballs were spending a lot of time scanning all the arguments for and against matchmaking. So, I thought that the biggest problem is people don't quite grasp what a raid is in destiny. So i went to the video released by ign in which i believe luke smith (bungie lead game design or something similar) discusses raids and used my AP english skills from this year to pull out major points to give us better insight to bungie's raids. The quotes are from the video and i will expand on each and what I think it entails. "Its unlike the strike activity in that it [b]requires[/b] cooperation" So, instead of plowing through enemies in a raid, it requires full teamwork and dedication to complete. Its hard to fathom this level of teamwork mainly because pve teamwork in a shooter hasn't been "required" to complete anything. "It will demand of you things you've never done in a shooter before" This is bungie saying these are harder than LASO or COD veteran or vidmasters. Its going to make this genre of games surprised by its content. "Everyone in the activity has a job, a role" That means so much is coming at you that [b]six[/b] people will each have a specific task just to survive and move on "Its not an activity we expect you to get through your first time" Keep in mind this is from their viewpoint that you'll be playing with your friends who you survived many activities in other shooters. "When a raid begins at level 25, its not where it ends" So if a level 25 joins, they will be at disadvantage and struggle even more. It also means it keeps getting harder and harder and harder. "Part of going through the raid is the journey of gearing up...building your arsenal to react to the situation your going through" So combined with everyone has a role, each role will require a certain load out. People will have to specialize in their job "Raid bosses are different...they have abilities unlike any you've experienced in a shooter before" This is such a huge statement that if true...I'm going to need more pants. So. My opinion. I was on the fence on this topic while reading the forums. I opted for the mm because i hate when others limit me and no mm limits people with no friends on destiny and the casual gamers. I opted for no matchmaking because raids sound extraordinarily difficult and mm seems like it would create more problems and bad experiences than good. That being said and after disecting the video: i feel matchmaking is unfortunately a bad choice. Every quote almost screamed that matchmaking cant achieve this or that. I dont think enough people will complete it through mm compared to the amount that will come back and complain. Mm will push people to say "da heck is this" and then complain. Seeing a [i]you need a full fireteam[/i] would push them to get a team, they go in, get plowed, then instead of complain they keep trying with the team, progress, and eventually succeed. This seems like a level of difficulty that is simply to much for mm to be effective. Especially when they say that gear setup is crucial and each player will need to have a role. Zombies was long and had a decent amount of difficulty. But if everyone had to have a specific role and specific gear for that then it would be impossible to complete or play with mm. Some people say i only have four to eight hours to play a week. Well, the activity itself takes 4+ hours so you have four hours to make a team. Thats plenty of time if you really want to do it. Also the length of the raid itself is impossible for mm. People [b]will[/b] drop out if this is anything like zombies or vidmasters length. On the fly mm people will drop out because, crap i have dinner, im bored, something comes up. Its not going to happen. The only benefit to mm i cant counter is its good for finding friends. It is, but its unnecessary. Another system will be made for finding people to play with whether it be by bungie or by standing somewhere in the tower. All in all if bungie says its too tough for mm i think we should believe them and wait for launch to test the difficulty. Thats my two cents on the issue. Please take time to think about each point. Ice cream cones are too small



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  • I can PROMISE you this... If they added matchmaking when the game came out, come level 20 for most everyone, you guys will be on these forums complaining that raids need to be easier because you keep getting teamed up with idiots and wasting your time. And even if you [i]didn't[/i] complain, after several failed attempts, you would end up inviting people and making friends to complete the raids anyway. So no matter what you THINK needs to happen, the final outcome is going to be you playing raids with friends.



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