Geomancy and the Travelers Course (again - with Updates!)
This thread is basically an updated version of a [url=]previous thread[/url]. If you're coming into this blind, you might want to read that thread first because, unfortunately for you, I'm not starting this story from the beginning; I'm just reviewing and updating theories and stories.
So, without further adieu, let's get to it.
The [url=]Alpha Lupi[/url] stories. I have determined the undeniable order of those stories as well as what celestial figures those stories are related to. These stories tell the journey of The Traveler as it traveled through our solar system and, "changed everything."
In the Beta, we had a nice little introduction video about the arrival of the Traveler. I couldn't help but notice a couple of geomantic figures in the star map. So that you don't have to squint your eyes at some YouTube video like I did, I went ahead and made things a little more legible for you. [url=]You're welcome.[/url] (and yes, I take a lot of pride seeing that my predictions were correct. Probably more than I should.)
[url=]Here[/url] is a full collection of the Alpha Lupi stories. But now, I'll put them in order:
1. [url=]The Path[/url]: [url=]The Way[/url] -- The Moon -- [url=]The People[/url]
2. [url=]The Union[/url]: [url=]The Conjunction[/url] -- Mercury -- [url=]White[/url]
3. [url=]The Ruin[/url]: [url=]The Loss[/url] -- Venus -- [url=]Girl[/url]
4. [url=]The Tribulation[/url]: [url=]The Lesser Fortune[/url] -- The Sun -- [url=]The Greater Fortune[/url]
5. [url=]The Rose[/url]: [url=]Red[/url] -- Mars -- [url=]Boy[/url]
6. [url=]The Ecstasy[/url]: [url=]Joy[/url] -- Jupiter -- [url=]Gain[/url]
7. [url=]The Prison[/url]: [url=]The Prison[/url] -- Saturn -- [url=]Sorrow[/url]
Now, in my previous thread I talked about Marty's 8th track, "The Hope." This threw me off because I only saw seven geomantic figures in the picture that went with it, and only found seven Alpha Lupi stories. But now, I've come to the conclusion that Earth is The Hope. Why do I think that? In the Beta intro, Earth had a geomantic figure as well. [url=]Sort of.[/url] You see, that's not a normal figure. I don't know what that symbol is supposed to mean, maybe someone would like to look into it and figure something out, I dunno. I think it might have something to do with [url=]"addition of figures"[/url], but I'm not sure and I'm probably not going to look into it until later. If I find something, I'll edit my thread.
[quote][b]Update:[/b] Read further into the Alpha Lupi stories now that I've got everything figured out, and now I've got some more speculation for you[/quote]
[b]The Union[/b]
I really like this part of the story, because I see a lot in it. A lot about the past, the Traveler, and a bit about the Vex. The Traveler has apparently [i]returned[/i] to our solar system, and found that it is definitely not in the condition that it left it in. Mercury is engulfed in flame, and Pluto (or Neptune) is a frigid block of ice. Then it says that whatever life used to be here is gone, either because it left or something destroyed it. Two theories here, A: The Darkness wiped out much of the Traveler's work some time after it left the galaxy. Or, B: The Vex. What about the Vex? I don't know, unfortunately. I just see a comment about organic flesh being pulled away from the bones and the union between the past and the future. I think of time travel, I think of machines, and I think of the Vex.
Theory B is also supported by my theory that The Black Garden (which has some very recognizable architecture) could be located on Mercury, by the simple statement that Mercury became a "Garden World." Weak, I know, but we've also seen a Crucible map take place somewhere [url=]Too Close to the Sun[/url], most likely on Mercury, and also sports a bit of Vex architecture. That's my biggest reason for this assumption.
[b]The Ruin[/b]
This part kinda makes it sound like the Traveler is confused on even its own intent. Weird. What's obvious is that this is about Venus, as the Traveler creates Oceans, Geysers, and Jungle. The way it's worded, though, makes it sound like the Traveler is [i]re[/i]creating Oceans, Geysers, and Jungle- as if it was returning the planet to its original state.
[b]The Tribulation[/b]
Real quick, did it say that a new face was being pulled out of the sun? Didn't it refer to planets as faces in the Mercury section? Maybe that Crucible map isn't set on Mercury, but instead a new entity born straight from the sun... I don't know, a bit of a long stretch.
[b]The Rose[/b]
Not much here, just Mars being born again, but I find this bit noteworthy: "A fossil ocean of ice softens and collapses"
This is a nod to our real-world discoveries of streams of ice on Mars which could be evidence of streams and rivers of [i]water[/i] on Mars a long time ago. Just a little more evidence for our theory that the Traveler is simply returning planets to their original, or at least a previous state.
[b]The Prison[/b]
This is the last part. This sounds less about Saturn, and more about the Traveler coming to a rest above Earth... Is it possible that the Last City is built in what is little more than a body of water in today's time? An ocean or sea pushed aside by the Traveler?
Hm, so, that's about all I got out of the stories. The Traveler is returning to our solar system and setting things back the way the were. This is also not the first time the Traveler has been to our solar system. The Traveler seems to have either a power of Life, as it restores life to the system (and brings Guardians back from the dead), or a power over Time, reverting things to an earlier state. If you asked me, I would speculate it's a bit of both. The Traveler's magic is just... well, magical.
And one more thing before I'm done with this thread. If you noticed, Bungie has used 14 geomantic figures so far. There are 16 in total. What two have we not seen yet? [url=]Caput Draconis[/url] and [url=]Cauda Draconis[/url], the Head and the Tail of the Dragon. I find this interesting, because there is an achievement/trophy called [b]Dragon Slayer[/b], rewarding for defeating a champion of the Darkness. What am I implying? The last two geomantic symbols are reserved for the Darkness.