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由Kalgurot編輯: 9/1/2014 1:10:55 AM

We need this!!

Dance Tree. Yes, what better way to express ourselves than to be able to modify our dancing abilities. If you agree then bump this like you mean it. Edit1: R39Sovereign had a great question... name of dance sub-class? comment on favorites below and like this for the fever. [spoiler]The dancing fever![/spoiler] Edit2: Could you imagine what would happen if we could do the Thriller?? [spoiler]Make sure you like this more than a dog likes legs[/spoiler] Edit3: Thank YOU, I am getting so much dance vibes from you all! [spoiler]Some people still don't understand or are wall flowers, give them some dance love[/spoiler] Edit4: So many fresh ideas, here are some contributors that have gotten me more psyched about this: KidKutney907, TheRedHanded and H0TWAD. Keep the mental juices flowing. I've noticed some dislikes on this post! Lets show the nonbelievers whats up by liking this to the moon and back! [spoiler]Bump up the Jam![/spoiler]



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