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由Gingers Unite編輯: 9/9/2014 2:31:42 AM

May god help us all.

Come tomorrow I ask of you to hold your loved ones close as we will be sieges by a horrifying force. We can only pray that we survive. Below are a set of instructions that will keep you alive -Don't look them in the eyes. They will poison your soul and spew blasphemy amongst our ranks -Stay calm They can smell fear. They will try to lure you out but keep yourself together. -Hide in a designated safe zone Hold out for the night and keep quiet. They can hear every ounce of Destiny hate out there. -Take up arms if necessary They are weaklings. They come in fire teams usually composed of 10 year olds. -Stay together Strength in numbers. It's the only way to fend them off. Good luck everyone. May god help us all. I will be assigning weapons to any who are in need.



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