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9/15/2014 7:52:20 PM

Blink Strike (Blade Dancer Sub class)

Blink Strike... I was really disappointed when I first unlocked this special melee attack. I was under the impression that it was a "teleport to target and attack". I will explain... There term "Blink" is used in place of the term teleport. Hence the teleportation ability "Blink" for the Hunter AND the Warlock. So it's easy to assume that "Blink" Strike would be a teleporting strike. So here I am happy as can be to have unlocked this new ability, only to find out that I have to be as close to an enemy as a normal melee attack. I was like WTF... So I tried and tried again, hoping I was just failing at using it, and only need to learn to use it. Oh no... Apparently it's just a fancy lighting dagger. REALLY!? So here is what I propose... Make it the way the name implies it's suppose to do, or change the name. I recon 10-15 feet teleport then strike would be reasonable, or call it shock strike to keep if from being misleading. I would prefer it work the way it implies though. I understand it's a melee subclass, but a quick long distance attack is what the Blade Dancer subclass really needs. I'll give an example... When I use the throwing knife on my Gun Slinger class. I typically use it when I've emptied a magazine into an enemy and he still has a bit of health left, so I'll go ahead and throw my knife at him and finishing him off because it's quicker then reloading. By then the enemy may be behind cover... So it makes for a nice finisher. Just having a melee attack that does a little bit more damage is not enough for me to justify using this over rated ability. I felt I was mislead and I was let down by it. For me, it made me go back to the Gun Slinger class, and left unmotivated to further level up the Blade Dancer class.



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