Hey guys, rapturedshadow here. We seem to be having issues getting this clan off the ground. I think I have something that may help. It appears that even though we have a total of 5 clan members, only 2 of us are considered "Clanmates." I think most of us don't have VS6 set as our Playstation Clan. So here's the How To: -Go to our Clan's Group Wall or Forum. Either will work. -Click "Interact." -On the dropdwn menu, click "Set as Playstation Clan." Its quite simple, will end our probation. and will make us our grouping official. If you have already done so, please disregard this post. I could be wrong as well.
I wasn't aware that we needed to do that on an individual basis. Makes sense that we all would though, so please help us show up in the game #EndProbabtion