This is all mainly my personal opinion.experience. The odds are you will disagree.
I've come to realise that the character that I've spent a lot time on, whether is was collecting gear and armour shaders and find upgrade materials, my armour doesn't anything like what i want him to look like.
I personally don't like ANY of the shaders and would much rather be able to pay to create my own. Warhammer 40K Space Marine had great colour customisation, but also had special 'skins' known as chapters (basically shaders that fit into the story, like the platoons colours or banner colours) I'd rather look the way I want, rather than look like what is available to me. Also, why don't you get the option to preview shaders? Get on that please, Bungie. In all, everyone begins to look the same, which brings me to my second point. Armour.
Some armour looks great (Emphasis on some). I don't like that almost all the legendary armour looks the same (for warlocks at least). I think I've found two 'real' variations of legendary armour. I say 'real' because a lot of them are the same armour but with a different stock armour shader and some bonuses are different. I wouldn't be too upset with that if I didn't think they both looked awful. One looks like a huge puffer coat (eg, robes of no tomorrow and queens guard robe). I'm just not into that. The other looks too scraggly for me (eg, eclipse maw) to feel like I've achieved bad ass status. Ironically, I think that a lot of rare gear looks awesome and sleek although again, almost everyone has it. Come to think of it, I'm think one of the legendries look the same as a rare. I'd need to look up later and make an edit. Moving on to exotic armour. I love the exotic warlock armour, well I love that it doesn't look too scraggly and doesn't make you look like you are ready to patrol the Arctic region of Earth (DLC handed to you there, Bungie). It looks mystical and like what a legendary should look like if I'm to be honest. My opinions aside, I love the exotic, but HATE that you can only wear one piece of it! What? I goes with nothing! I want to look like a real badass, not a bad ass with a really bad fashion sense. Fair enough you could put on a shader to force it to match, but as I've said, don't really like any shaders. Anyway it kind of gets rid of that shiny nice bronzey look that has me drooling. I’ve googled a list of all known shaders.
I'm going to neglect leg armour and gauntlets because to be honest, who cares about them? Unless you have the, kind of cool, kind of not, gauntlets for the warlock, which go with nothing to be honest and where sold by xur two weeks in a row! Come on I've been waiting for ages to change my horrid legendary armour! Let me (possibly) look the way I want!
Even with all my good gear on, I don't feel like I'm becoming legend at all. I feel like I'm becoming fabric and duct tape with a gun on it.
And my god, stop giving me warlock bonds!