Sorry you are new to MMOs and the FPS aspect gave you a sense of entitlement that your level means you are just given gear. Welcome to the World of MMO gear grinding. If you need references go to the World of Warcraft or Star Wars the Old Republic forum (Or any other long standing MMO for that matter) and catch up on years of players complaining about the same thing you are now, It's a whole new world for FPS players every where! If that's to much the I am sure Call of Duty (insert flavor here) Is right there next to your Destiny box.
由Aray0002編輯: 9/27/2014 6:29:18 AMPlease dont apologize in my behalf. You don't even know me. If anyone should apologize should be Bungie for making me think there is a difference between purple engrams , blue engrams and green engrams. > 1 color seems to open every possible drop so why make 3 colors for the cryptach. This has nothing to do with FPS aspect. Why is drop rates on engrams toyed with every single day by BUNGIE. Example: level 2 mobs dropping purple engrams . next day level 28 mobs dropping green engrams. Where is Saturn ? This was talked about in a E3 video made over a year ago. Where is the Chat Function to be able to put together a strike team when in the tower ? Why is matchmaking not part of the daily and weekly events ? We were told only RAIDS would not include matchmaking. Last I checked Missions and Strikes are not RAIDS. Why has some people in this game been given 3 or 4 exotic bounty quest when others who have done as much if not more bounties has not even seen an exotic bounty offer ? No, don't apologize for me or too me. I am owed an apology from Bungie for the blatant lies they told . At least Microsoft was behind Bungie 100% when pushing out Halo. There is no way in HELL Halo would have survived on the at .. that time free playstation online system. Xbox Live made Halo Great. What has PSN or Xbox Live got to do with this new game ? Nothing thats what. Activision is calling all the shots and Bungie is a puppet being told what to do next. Willign to bet Saturn is the next DLC you will have to pay for ? Which should have been part of release date content.
Two fundamental things wrong with what you've said. 1. Destiny is not an MMO. MMOs are by definition "massively multiplayer online" games. 16 players in a instanced world is not "massively multiplayer". A game where the greatest amount of player co-operation is 6 players in the largest raid currently available is not "massively multiplayer". 2. The grinding is not rewarding. The grinding is fine, but the fact that, especially for players who have hit the soft-cap for levels through EXP, level 20, replaying the missions is not fun nor rewarding. The drop rates as they were before patch were reasonable, with 1-2 greens per 20-30 minute levels, maybe a blue, and the elusive purple ever so rare were perfectly fine as they were. There was no justification to reducing the drop rate. Removing the Shards from the Queen's Wrath gear was also stupid, because Bungie removed the incentive for players, especially the veterans, to participate in the event. If events are not made to make rare drops more accessible for a limited time to encourage participation, what is the point of events? Another note, taking a condescending tone on players you assume are all from a PvP-centric first person shooter, claiming they are complaining too much and telling them to go back to Call of Duty if they don't like it is frankly not only rude but does not help the game improve. The reason people complain is because they do not like something. There is usually a reason behind why there are complaints, not simply because they have a "sense of entitlement from your level" or any assumed personality traits. Complaints and feedback are how to spread ideas for how a game can [b]improve[/p], and threads that address issues and why they think they are issues with solid ideas are constructive. Threads like yours simply written to patronize a group of players are frankly non-constructive and meaningless. If anything, you are only hindering the growth of the game and showing elitist tendencies through the "authority" you believe you are entitled to for whatever reason.
See but don't you remember according to Bungie this isn't an MMO it's a shared world shooter. Notice emphasis on shooter. So blame Bungie's (Activision's?) god awful marketing and hyping. Don't blame they players.
Hell go look at Everquest and ...Final Fantasy 11. Wanna talk about grind? Those are probably the worst main stream grinds around. This is nothing. Plus as an FPS, what else would you do than slaughter hordes of enemies/players?
由Otzchieem編輯: 9/25/2014 6:50:57 PM