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由RomanorumDeus編輯: 9/25/2014 7:08:22 PM

What would you like more from Destiny?

Personally, I would like to hear more friendly chatter. It seems to me that many people either don't have anything to say or feel uncomfortable talking to strangers (I prefer the latter), which seems odd to me simply because the game is designed to promote random interaction. Playing Destiny and not being social (especially when you're matched up with random players for strike missions or in the crucible) seems pointless. Skill will only take you so far. Communication is a big key to success.



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  • I'm all for fireteam chat in strikes, raids and missions, and Tower opt-in should be good. What i really find myself wanting is a Library or similar to view Grimoire lore in-game; a sort of collabration of CryptArc, and Vanguard databases and a rumor mill for stories, legends and the like.



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