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9/17/2014 10:17:13 AM

Warframe Style Chat Box

I don't know if anyone else on here plays Warframe but if you don't I would highly recommend it, especially to Destiny players. Anyways, everyone keeps talking about being able to talk to people, and find players to do missions with at the tower. Well Warframe actually has a great system they use that allows ALL of that and more. On Warframe you have a chat box that let's you talk to EVERYONE ELSE who is playing, it collapses into the corner when not being used but when open anyone can post messages on there about anything they want and it allows people to talk about about general topics, find other players for missions, a while bunch of other things. The chat box has different tabs for each specific thing (general discussion, clan/group discussions, recruiting, etc) it even opens new tabs for private conversations. It's really great and provides a great way to talk without people speaking over each other. I figure it could be a good way to talk amongst ourselves and be social while also not cluttering our screen nor our speakers. So what do you guys think?



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