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10/8/2014 2:15:24 PM

Lack of new areas to explore

I just checked that I've played over 5 days worth of this game. A lot but nowhere near the amount I put into Dark Souls. It's hard for me to comprehend why there no new areas on planets. You'd think that Bungie has custom world building tools that they used to create Old russia etc. Drop in marker for spawn spots, assign enemy types, set interval, and so forth. Most of the focus seem to go for PVP which is fine if you like PVP but throw a bone for us explorers. I'm currently contemplating on giving up on Destiny for the time being. Waiting for more content to appear. Look what the DLCs have to offer and then decide if I want to return to this game. A lot has to change to draw me back into this game. I did have fun playing Destiny, so don't get me wrong. It's just not the game I thought it would be. You know ... EPIC adventure that was advertised.



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