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由DuckWarriorLily編輯: 10/17/2014 10:01:09 PM

Constructive Criticism Here

How do you think Bungie can improve the game? Post Tweaks or major changes. Regardless of if these are stat changes in game, additions like skins or story or even if it is an entire overhaul of something. DuckWarriorLily's suggestion: Add Favoriting/Item Locking/Buyback/Confirmation:Yes/No. Reason: This is common in big online games with things you collect. Without this function it is too easy too lose hard obtained goods. Favoriting/Locking Pros:Quick and easy. Buyback Pros: makes sense for things like ascendant shards etc. Confirmation:Yes/No Pros: Not very intrusive if only on Legendary/Exotics. Note:May move between Destiny and Feedback on forums.



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  • Make strike and raid matchmaking optional. Include it as a possibility for nightfall and heroic strikes, as well as the Vault of Glass. But also give players who don't want it the option to turn it off. Rotate or randomize non-Xur stock. Slightly improve drop rates of non-green engrams or release gear (like a class item) that improve drop rates. This I believe would help to stem stagnation. Keep PvP balances out of PvE. I hated the Vex M in PvP but I still feel bad for those who worked so hard to get it. Don't release special event bounties on the first two days of an event that require players to equip emblems, class items, etc. Remove or decrease delay between bursts for pulse rifles. Their standard recoil alone would balance this. Remove some intentional and frequent line of sight barriers from PvP to make hand cannons, pulse, scout, and sniper rifles a more functional option, as well as making headshot bounties more reasonable. This would also encourage players to use close quarters weapons as they were intended, and the original functionality could be returned to shotguns and auto rifles. Create a secondary weapon slot for quick, in-game weapon swapping without having to open the menu. Do something similar for ammo refills as well (for example, you could hold the reload button for three seconds, or hold it and a mini menu pops up for weapon and ammo selection). This one is a bit out there, but consider an arcade-style (think Warhawk (PS3) or Battlefront 2) dogfighting game mode with progression and upgradeable ships.



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    • bump



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      • copy paste from original post, found here: for the largest part, i can understand why they've fixed what they have "fixed" up until this point but there needs to be a consensus on what is top priority and what can wait for later. but as it stands now there are just too many mechanical problems that are completely ruining the experiences of our fellow guardians from what i have observed, Exploits seem to be their Top priority. Here is a list of all known patches and hotfixes, in order from top to bottom: this is a very bad thing because they are ignoring other intense game breaking issues that i believe need to be dealt with first, such as the disconnects, the constant DDOS attacks (a group calling themselves LizzardSquad are taking credit for these attacks, they openly admitted that they have no reason do do such things, only that because they can, they will) and exactly how broken the Vault of Glass raid is (specifically the Atheon fight) even if players try to complete it in the most legit way possible. which is a very serious issue as the vault of glass is the only way to reach level 30 here is a list of broken instances that i have personally seen when fighting the end boss: 1. and in my opinion the most important problem: THE 0 SECOND GLITCH! when you beat the game you are forever stuck inside the vault of glass until the fireteam leader takes everyone to orbit himself, which if the fireteam leader is dead and is not able to be revived, cannot send anyone back to orbit.. in order to fix this issue, the fireteam leader has to promote someone who is still alive to team leader so That person can take everyone to orbit.. it's just a huge -blam!- around that isn't necessary in the slightest. 2.. teleportation is like playing Russian roulette, either the correct order of players (3 players farthest from atheon) are sent through the portal or no one gets teleported, or only two people get teleported, or 3 people get teleported, but someone who was closest to atheon gets teleported instead of the guy sitting in the back with the rest of the 3-man team. or even 4 players get teleported, leaving only 2 to defend the outside portals. this is when ALL 6 players are still alive. 3. oracles can magically come back to life sometimes. i have counted atleast 4 instances where i have destroyed oracles, moved on towards the portal and we all get wiped because the same oracle i destroyed in the back (and saw the "CapnKirkland has destroyed an oracle" text above my super bar) is suddenly back again. 4. Time's Vengeance does not activate sometimes when all oracles are destroyed. Theres not much to describe here, our team took out all the oracles, we didn't get wiped so as to suggest that we missed one, and there is no damage multiplier at all. 5. Portals are incredibly inconsistent. if you run or jump through them, you'll usually end up just on the other side of the portal and stay inside the Mars or Venus area, even if you walk slowly through the portal that sometimes doesn't work and you just wind up on the other side instead of being in the boss fight like you're supposed to. which wastes time, and if you can't get out of the portal in time, you're stuck in there while players on the outside get teleported, which usually ends up in a failed attempt and you have to start over.. 6. the harpies and pratorieans can come back to life and murder you dead. same issue with the oracles, after you kill them they sometimes come back to life just to kill the relic holder and -blam!- the otherwise successful fight up. yeah, Exploits NEED to be dealt with, this much is obvious as players are not playing the game as it was originally intended. like loot caves, cryptarch decryption rates and weapon balancing are also an issue, but when you listen to the wrong feedback (from the extremely loud, angry and ignorant majority of players Vs the Silent respectable and knowledgeable fan base) you get issues like the auto rifle and vex mytoclast "fix" that became a game breaking over reaction. but these are all issues that can get the proper attention AFTER the game is consistent and stable. TL: DR: Read it and form an Intelligent opinion.



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      • More strikes. They're by far my favorite part of this game.



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      • 由Davedevastation 編輯: 10/17/2014 11:51:47 PM
        I would like to be able to have more than one exotic weapon equip at any one time, Armour isn't such a biggy but at least have 3 quality weapons As I have 50 motes of light and 30 strange coins, and nothing to spend it on as well once you have a weapon and a armour that you like you have very little stuff to use them on



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      • I would like it have a rumble match with a full party of friends instead of just 2 friends.



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      • i would be happy with more strikes, more unique weapon designs for the legendaries AND exotics, and maybe a second raid for once I decide to do the VOG. most of my time spent is in strikes so I would be really happy to have more.



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      • suck a dick



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      • Since its a game based on gear that has to be swapped out often at higher levels, give us a custom load out option. Having to go into the menu to swap out abilities and weapon perks based on pvp or pve or raid etc makes it irritating this isn't already in game.



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      • Being able to trade weapon/armor with other players would be amazing



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      • Needs more kawaii



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      • 1
        No RNG. Bungie should take the time to make certain things in certain places give you certain guns. Example: beating the raid without dying/on hard would be the only way to ear the mythoclast, the last word and the zombie apocalypse.



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        • There is a feedback section of the forums for a reason



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        • Let me split item stacks in the vault, and let there be bigger stacks in general. I can only stack 20 ammo synth's, but my weapon part stack is around 1200. And let people just start in and be able to return to the tower without all the loading back and forth.



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          • All your constructive critisicm needs to be nerfed, because it's hurting my feelings.



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          • There should be a way other than pure luck to get from 28/29 to level 30. I was (am?) a HUGE fan of this game, I really really like it, but I've been stuck at 29 for quite a while just hoping to get luck each week in the VOG and get the 2 pieces of Raid gear I need to hit level 30. 2 or 3 weeks ago, I wouldn't even have looked at another game I was so high on Destiny, but being stuck, week after week with no way to influence it, just sucks.. I'm now starting to look at other games, Dragon Age: Inquisitor looks pretty cool at the moment.



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          • I'd like to trade mats or marks for other mats or marks even if it is a higher cost.



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