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10/17/2014 1:59:41 AM

Why are people saying there is no story?

Ok, I keep hearing "no story" from some people. There has to be a story for this game to be based off of, or it would be no better than angry birds (no story, there's a real no story game). Maybe those who don't think there is a story mean "there's not a deep elaborate storyline..." Or something to that effect. Keep in mind this is a fledgling scifi universe. Star Wars also started out with neigh sayers. I'd (honestly) like to understand what you mean, if your a believer this game has no story. Here is the story in case you missed it - Many generations ago (shortly after present day), humanity discovered a gigantic white sphere hovering above Mars in the process of terraforming the planet. The discovery of "the Traveler", as humans called it, ignited a Golden Age of technology and exploration for humanity. Initially the Traveler settled on Mars, where it shared its knowledge and technology with humanity, and a city grew around it. With the assistance of the Traveler and its enigmatic technology, humanity tripled its lifespan, terraformed planets and moons, and expanded its civilization beyond Earth and throughout much of the solar system. The Golden Age would last for centuries, but human civilization fell victim to a cataclysm of extraordinary magnitude, known as the Collapse. A malicious entity known as The Darkness, an ancient enemy of the Traveler, suddenly struck, destroying most of humanity's interplanetary empire. Few managed to survive the devastation. Forced to withdraw to Earth, mankind's homeworld, the embattled Traveler made its final stand, where it sacrificed itself to save the remnants of humanity. The sphere now hovers over Earth, silent, dormant, and crippled, while those who survived united to build The City beneath it, establishing the last bastion of civilization in the solar system. A powerful defensive aura remains projected over the City by the Traveler. The City has come under attack throughout the years, mysterious alien species probing its defenses for weaknesses. You are one of an army of warriors known as Guardians that call the City home, individuals that have taken a stand to reclaim what has been taken from us. Guardians have harnessed the Traveler's energy to create powerful abilities that allow them powerful offensive attacks, defensive counters, and increased mobility. Guardians seek to uncover the mysteries of humanity's downfall and reclaim what has been taken from them. These exploits lead them to rediscover and reclaim old worlds, once part of mankind's civilization but now occupied by deadly extraterrestrial species and threatened by the return of the Darkness. The Guardians are all that stand between the dark forces that seek to destroy civilization and those who take refuge within the City. It is their duty to rebuild from the ashes of defeat, to ignite the once great flame of human civilization, and be the light that shines through the darkness. Their failure would mean the destruction of the human race. --------------- Now, as we play the game we are discovering more of the story. Our character is creating the continuation of the story. It's a mystery adventure, imho. So Destiny clearly has a story. Rebuttal?



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  • There is also a lot of Implied story. I good example is "Have you Heard of the Black Garden" ... "We've heard the legends." As players we don't know diddly (without reading Grimoire cards etc) but that is not our characters. Time passes between missions, we travel between places, there is an entire story behind the time that you actually aren't seeing while you are playing. There is plenty of argument that I can forsee being made for, "that doesn't happen while I play" but frankly You're character has been told things, or has found out things. Think of what they know of the world is the sum of what you know. If you ask about things and search things out that is your character in a way doing the same thing. If you don't, well, you are doing exactly what so many people complain they had to do. They do what they are told and go kill things. There's a lot of that in the real world too. How many of you fully understand the health insurance you signed up for at you job. I bet its less than 50% know the ins and outs of its handling. But you went ahead and did it anyways, because you needed to. Its the same in Destiny, you are told you need to do this things and you do them. You either blindly follow, or go and try to find out things. Now whether or not lore is "lazy" story telling or "brilliant" story telling depends entirely on the person, and the content. There is truly a wealth of GREAT information in the Grimoire Cards, and Game, be it the items, or things people say. But not everyone wants to dig, so the unsurprising problem is that many will therefore see no story. Darksouls has the same problem. There is going to be more story for sure, and I admit the game does feel often disjointed. But if you can fill in the time between missions for yourself, there is a full story in the game. I agree with the idea that It also feels like an introduction to the world. With expansions/sequels there is going to be a lot more story for sure.



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