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10/28/2014 10:17:40 PM

Destiny: The Digital Zoo (A Poem)

Dear Bungie peeps, pops, and bods, I've had problems playing and connecting for some time now (past errors include boar, viper, mongoose, marrionberry and zebra). But I got much further today on Destiny than my previous attempts. Hallelujah! or so I thought ... The updates managed to install for the first time in ages (yippee), I spent some time in the tower (grrr I hate you Cryptarch), started playing a strike with two other random players (pew, pew, die smelly fallen), but [i]then[/i] got kicked out of the match a few minutes in and received a [b]Weasel error[/b]. I tried again, got kicked out and received a [b]Monkey error.[/b] This moved me to compose a poem by way of feedback. It is a great shame, because I love this game. But it’s no fun, when the game doesn't run. It makes me mad and really, really sad. A digital zoo! Oh! how it makes me feel blue! Bungie! dear Bungie! What can be done? Seriously guys, I hope something can be done. Please let me know what you are going to do, Regards, [b]Lord Yesua (Xbox One)[/b] It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in .... the animals???' (adapted from Shakespeare)



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