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11/13/2014 9:16:33 AM

Looking for more friends 29+

Look for some new friends to play with. I have lots already, but looking for a group that does vog often. Want to have a team of 6 of us that can efficiently do vog in the least amount of time. If your a lvl 29+ send me a message OR respond here. Let me know Levels/characters, how many times a week you do raid, and how many times completed. Now this group could also be used for quickly and efficiently completing nightfalls and weekly heroics. I just want 5 people to play with regularly that we get to know each others play types very well; and can become a very elite group. So if this sounds like something you would be interested in please message me. Once we have a team we could decide on a clan name together if that's something we want.



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