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由demonsgalore編輯: 11/29/2014 9:24:38 PM

Ping limit for PvP

Please notice: This has nothing to do with the new ping indicator that seems buggy, show red pings randomly. I've experienced a lot of players playing with unbelievably bad connection. They don't recognise if you shoot them, teleporting around or you just get your kill 3-8 seconds after you killed one of those laggers. I highly recommend to implement a ping limit to kick laggers with a Ping above ~80/120ms. This is a really important step to stop this unacceptable lags. Laggers should have no right to play competitive multiplayer as long as they don't have a solid ping. This should be a part of the online gaming Terms & Conditions. If you agree with me I'd really appreciate if you bump or /sign.



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  • Destiny supposedly has dedicated servers and also uses p2p. Whatever happened to migrating host? One thing I don't understand though is this: why is it those with a supposed good connection end up kicked from the game because of error codes while those with poor connections don't experience hiccups?



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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