Last week people Xurned their way to The Last Word & instantly started saying how OP they were & how God like it made them & how blah blah blah...
Flash to this Iron Banner week & what do you see as far as weapons go... No not TLW, you see Suros/Shadow Price & VOC. People learned that their precious hand cannon could be outclassed simply by people staying back from them & moving left to right or right to left...
So all this crying about a Nerf going to happen & oh you didn't earn this & wahhh WAHHHHH WAHHH... Geesh people this game has a good balance if you are any good at FPS...
Seriously this Event has made my KD go up by a a whole .1 (lol) & I don't use hand cannons. Yes they can catch you out of position, but please OP is not the right word... Muse your brain & change your play style. Then maybe, just maybe, you won't suck so hard