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11/23/2014 7:59:28 AM

Hawkmoon Perk Problem

Hi Bungie people, I just got my Hawkmoon from a legendary engram from a Heroic Daily last weekend. I hop on Destiny today and I LOVE it. I've been wanting this gun since I seen it in an advertisement for the game. It just looks awesome. So I'm leveling it it up and I'm getting around the the perk skill tree and I get the perk that puts up the stability and that really helps. Then I look at the other 2 perks. The 2nd one I forgot what it is but the THIRD perk gives you the same exact thing that the 1st does, puts up the stability! !!! WHY?! I'm confused but they have to swap that out with something. Thats weird. And I dont care if its anything that isnt amazing because people would say its over powered. Maybe a faster reload perk. But please. I dont need 2 perks that do the same thing. Thanks Bungie, I love the gun. Just bringing it to your attention, it seems silly, and I havent seen a Hawkmoon post.



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