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由Circadian Wolf編輯: 12/8/2014 10:28:31 AM

From a 29 to other 29s (Regarding the Hard Raid)

I understand why 30s are reluctant to play with 29s in the hard raid. Many times I've tried to complete the raid on hard, though all but one of my tries have been with a full 29 team and we never made it past the confluxes. While I didn't expect much from the beginning in these raids, the performance of a majority of 29s were honestly rather pathetic. There would usually be one or two of us that were holding our own and everyone else would only get 5-15 kills per death, which when a majority of the enemies are goblins is kind of a letdown, even if you're a level below the enemies. These people were responsible for a majority of our wipes, either they all died and the remaining players were spread too thin or they couldn't kill the enemies fast enough while defending a confulx. I was shocked at how these players would see their poor results in the darkness screen time and time again yet still think that they completely had what it takes to complete the hard raid all the way through. They simply refused to believe that they weren't good enough to do it. So the next time a 30 rejects you for being a lower level, don't take it personally, they've probably just had bad experiences with 29s in the past and don't want to risk repeating them. Disclaimer: Level 30s, this is not an excuse for you to be dicks to the lower levels, lets keep it civil guys. [b][u]Note: I get that level is not an indicator of skill but the difference in damage/defence between a single level is enough to make an average player a bad one and vice versa.[/u][/b] Edit: Guy's I'm not saying level 29 = bad, I'm just noting that from my experience there are more bad 29s than good 29s and going on that I can understand why some people wouldn't accept level 29s into a hard raid. I personally have no problem with having 29s in the group so long as then can hold their own.



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  • A little more to your theory, the way rng works is over time the greater majority will get drops with increased play time. With increased play time comes increased skill. There are a minority who got lucky and did not need to run normal more then a couple times to hit 30 but for the most part guys who are raid 30s had at least five completions per lvl 30 char. This means they know where when and how many guys will spawn. They know where cover is and they know the limits of their guardian. I am not saying that it is impossible for a 29 to not have this exp, but it is unlikely for a 29 to have this and not level 30 gear just like it is unlikely for a guy to have lvl 30 gear and not have this exp.



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    • You're right, it's not personal, I don't take level 29s for not being skilled, I just need someone who inflicts the same damage without damage reduction, that's all, again, it's not personal, sometimes other level 30s help me with my 29 character because they know I'll be helping them with my other two level 30s



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    • Myself and a buddy were both level 29's and ran a hard raid with a group of guys one time (I think there was three 29's and three 30's). We couldn't get past the confluxes. Every time we wiped the scoreboard would constantly show that we had more kills (at some points, almost double) than the other closest raid member.They decide that we are the problem and kick us from the group. Another time we had 6 30's doing Atheon on hard. before we even started, one guy was saying how easy it was going to be with 6 30's. Well, an hour goes by and we keep wiping, and the guy who said it was going to be easy is just spewing excuses. Complaining that the relic holder is garbage for dying, and then he dies the next time he holds the relic. Long story short, he leaves the fireteam, and we literally complete it on the next run with only 5 guys. So I guess he was the problem all along. The point is, just because you are a 30 doesn't mean you're great and it doesn't mean you are better than a level 29. It means you will do more damage to enemies and take less from them. A guy could get to level 30 in this game by being carried through the normal raid, that doesn't make you good at this game. Just because you are a level 30 doesn't mean you'll be good at a hard raid, and just because you are level 29 doesn't mean you will suck. It's a concept that people need to embrace.



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    • I agree with this. I was part of a hard run last night of half 29 and half 30. Whilst able to hold our own during the confluxes and snipe Templar. Opening the portals and atheon was tough and at 29 you go down very easy and don't get oracles as quick either. Was a brilliant group and done well to complete, in the end we only had 5 in the fire team with 3 level 29's! Can't wait to help some others out and offer more myself with some more experience.



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    • But yet United Mercs can complete hard raid in 28 mins 13 secs with 2 level 27s in the group!



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      • Beat hard raid with all 29s before.



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      • Lvl29= Git gud scrub!



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      • I just made 30 and played hard raid as a 29 twice. One was very successful and on failed. I would however, not have an issue with playing with up to 3, 29s as long as there are also 3 30s and everyone has one set of maxed weapons minimum. I think that is the least it takes to be successful.



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      • Hey guys, I'm a lvl 29 warlock trying to get the raid helmet to be lvl 30. I'm trying to do only hard raids. If you guys need one more, invite me. Gamertag: iDaRealElement #XboxOne



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        • I know a lot of 29s who play better than lvl 30 ppl. Personnaly when i was 29 with Conf vison + icebreaker + legendary rocket launcher i'm able to duo left conflux before templar w/o many trouble. Templar are a joke with a good relicman like i call they lol. For awake atheon part i was able to solo venus path with 3 rocket from the truth and 2 golden gun shot. All i want to says is i'm not a very good player but i know what to do and when. So now i m lvl30 i prefer team of 29s who know what to do then a 30 team who think tehy are pro. I repeat i m not a pro player just a "listening playet" if i can says that. Have i nice days and play well.



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        • I guess I should be that much more appreciative of the compliments that I received for my performance during my first completion on hard.



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        • I just hit 30 yesterday. Got the raid helmet, I ran hard mode and we, a group of 4 29's and two 30's killed Atheon in two teleports. I have nothing against skilled 29's like those guys. Not like the ones you played with.



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        • The lowest number of 30s ive ever beaten the hard raid with is 2 on my team.



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        • I need the helmet to get to 30 to do the hard raid to get the helmet to get to 30 to do the hard raid to get the helmet. If you see what i mean.



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          • I don't mind raiding with 29s, I am apprehensive when raiding with a 29 I've never played with before simply because they have to be good to not be a burden, so many times they die so quickly and you have to be a man down or two. If they was 30 it just gives that little bit more of a safety cushion. A bad 30 is just the same though. It's more to do with raiding with people you don't know than the actual level.



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          • We were playing 5man on Hard Mode Raid, had 4 30s and 1 29, Level 29 was insistent he could manage right conflux solo , and he did, Skill > Level. He was familiar enough to appreciate Right conflux is easiest to manage, and had a good weapon loadout to cope.



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            • That's cute. I do hard raid lvl 29 almost every week. Just completed a hard raid with a full team of lvl 29s as well. Not seeing the problem here....



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              • Lvl 29 doing hard mode is a lot harder than a lvl 30 doing it. Basically all mobs are lvl 30, any one lower than 30 is automatically doing 32% less damage and taking 32% more damage straight of the bat. If a lvl 29 is using a weapon that isn't maxed out then they are doing even less damage. Meaning of the weapons attack power isn't 300, let's say just for arguments sake the weapon is 260 attack power, divided the attack power of weapon by 10 and that's the level the weapon can do max damage on, so a weapon of 260 is maxing out on level 26 mobs. This doing less damage on a level 30 mob. So rule of thumb if your lvl 29 and going into a hard mode raid, make sure you have all weapons maxed out to 300. Enjoy the hard mode



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                • I'm that level 30 that doesn't mind. Except if you're level 28. I mind.



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                • Or they already have 3 29's and do not want any more



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                • I formed a hard raid to go on my 29 warlock. Pulled in 4 random 30s. We cleared in an hour and I was relic user on Templar and didn't die and I took right relic on gatekeeper and we did it in one go. Needless to say, those 30s were shocked at my skill and I made 4 new friends. So you're right, skill isn't determined by level but great players can make a disadvantage look minuscule.



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                • All 30s need to realize that when the raid first came out we were all 29s. We all completed it when we were 29 so stop acting like being a lvl 30 is the only way to beat a hard raid.



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                  • I just don't like when people say they have experience and don't listen or play well. They pretty much lie their way into a hard raid with others.



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                  • Completely true had a 29 in my group last night who couldn't get above 9 kills so after 4+ wipes we finally kicked him and he sent us all hate mail saying he was carrying us. 29<30 it really is that big a difference in damage numbers alone.



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                    • 29 can do the raid on hard.... You just need a team of patient people that play because they love to play and not just wanna rush through to get items. Templars mum tho.



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                    • The key point is simply this; The level system isn't based off skill rather luck. You can be level 30 and absolutely suck at the game because you got lucky on the RNG vault.



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