Hey Deej,
After reading a lot of posts about the game updates and patches, I see a trend in the way you guys seem to operate, which causes a lot of criticism from the players:
Bungie has not solicited feedback from the layers for any of the updates/patches prior to releasing them. What I have see so far is the developers working on something in secret and then releasing it with you asking for reactions. The problem here is that you are asking for reactions after you have put out the update, which causes a lot of criticism from the players that were unaware that the update was in the works or what it was going to do. I want to suggest an alternative solution which may solve some of the problems and lessen the criticism.
With minor things like the Tumbler Sparrow, keep it a surprise. However, with major updates like the Exotics 2.0, give us a brief note about the ideas you guys have and let the community vote and offer suggestions. This way, not only do we get more understanding of what is going on with the game, but we also feel that we have a voice in how the game develops. To quote you from this week's update, " we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better... That conversation is already raging internally, as it always does. In the meantime." While I admire you having the courage to acknowledge that the community has a lot of good ideas compared to your implementation, you are reacting and basically doing damage control. As the point of my post states, a better approach would have been to create a poll for the community on how they want the current exotics improved for the DLC. This would have helped your developers see potential ideas that may have saved a lot of work that was put in to the current approach.
Overall Deej, I respect and admire your bravery and persistence in facing the community through Twitter and the Weekly Updates. I know that you have a good idea about the multitude of opinions that any update may spark. I am simply trying to help Bungie with future developments of the game and foster a cooperation between it and the community where we both work to create a game we love to play.
NOTE: This is not a petition. This is simply my attempt to summarize the issue I have seen from reading the forums and to try to give another perspective to Bungie.
We are not all mean Deej :-)
Very Respectfully,
Fellow Guardian,