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12/5/2014 8:25:24 AM

Corporate holiday strategy.

A corporation is out there to make money. It is that simple, they are beholden to their shareholders for their jobs and all share holders want is an increase in stock prices and dividends. Enter Destiny. There is sooooo much money involved in this game, and they need to get on the holiday season band wagon. How to get more people buying Destiny three months after launch? One simple complaint some would have for not getting the game is that the new players will be left behind by the veterans. They have better gear and they are all levelled up. To put the new players on a level field, the current exotics need to be levelled off. Don't give veterans anything for their time investment, so that the newer players (probably kids) will be able to compete. This will maximise sales over the holiday period. Simply no love for people who have been playing from day one.



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