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12/15/2014 10:50:33 PM

Ideas for Including Re-skinning our Guardians

I'm going to keep this simple. I get it. You designed your Guardian at midnight. The adrenaline was pumping. You make it to The Tower and suddenly realize that your Guardian looks hideous (no offense) and you need to make him/her look beautiful. Or perhaps they're too beautiful. And you're sick of those Dreg following you around like a pack of worthless pigs. I mean hey, Glimmer can be shaped into things like weapons and buildings (don't quote me on that), so why not use it to re-graph your face. Guardians, do you have any ideas on how Bungie could implement a character re-design option. Lots of games have included things like this (looking at you Bethesda), so how could Destiny do it? Vendor? What would it cost? Glimmer? Motes of Light? Coins? Let's be honest. That hairstyle is so Golden Age.



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