原先發佈於:Terrible Terrible Damage
TTD members, this is the place where we can now spam anything from links to updates to other random content. Anything else that needs more attention of course can be placed elsewhere, but lets try to keep most of it here.
For those with gaming channels, such as myself, I will only allow myself 2 posts per day <- I tend to get carried away..sorrrrryyyy
Also a big shout out and thank you to SoloKingWizard for getting us all together!
To the members that just recently joined, I know most of you and glad you guys could join, respect the rules, be mature (Swonger & Wildthang) lol u guys, and be ready to help when available.
-Also I've setup a section that is designated on my channel to TTD and will feature all content from us! <- waiting on fiance to finish intro that features TTD..might be another month.
Other than that lets do this!
Just a note** Reddit is amazing as far as finding many guides that are posted there, some of my posts might contain links to that site, hope no one minds that.
Also for those that were not in the party tonight, we've discussed making an actual clan intro video. This will pretty much cite what solo has written. Now, in order for this video I need some things to happen: 1.) clips of us doing different phases of raids 2.) Athlon hm one attempt. 3.) Crota hm - two cycles 4.) random boss encounters. 5.) pvp matchup of us all with same emblem, clan tag, with score showing of us dominating. The image we are wanting to give is that we are the elite of the elite. In order to do that, I must assemble all the clips necessary to prove that point. Please capture content when you can if you happen to be doing something incredible. In order to record anything. 1.) press share button twice to start recording. Press again to stop and save video clip. 2.) if you happen to do something amazing and missed the record feature, no worries, simply press share "once" and press " save video". Thanks guys! Upload to usb, transfer to computer and go to Dropbox. Contact me for Dropbox info. What is Dropbox? A free online storage for us to all universally upload content too, making it possible to transfer clips. Cheers!